Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Blueberries and cream cupcakes
I can (hesitatingly) say now that spring is finally, finally here! At last, it's warm enough for me to run along the Charles in the morning and for me to ride my bike into work. Another plus with the warmer weather is better produce - meaning better fruits and vegetables for me to cook and bake with!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Oatmeal raisin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
The students from my department put on a talent show this week, and as my talent, I entered six dozen baked goods for everyone to taste. Not really a performance talent, but no one in the audience was complaining!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Triple chocolate coconut cupcakes (for Easter!)
So the month of March just slipped by, didn't it? Between school, life, and lab, I did manage to find plenty of time to bake, but unfortunately never got around to documenting it into this blog. It's a shame because I really wanted to show off the MIT beaver cake pops I made for recruitment weekend, the ginger apple pear pie I made for Pi Day, and the Irish Car Bomb cupcakes I made for St. Patrick's Day, but it didn't make sense to post them after the relevant holiday was long over.